„On the ashes of the Phoenix”
(2020 - 2021)
A series about Dortmund Hörde and Phoenix Lake - an artificial lake built on the site of a former steel mill ten years ago. Dortmund Hörde a District where I grew up and went to school between 2000 and 2010. When me and my parents moved from the Neva River in St Petersburg to the muddy banks of Emscher back in 2000, ashes came down from the sky on our balcony from the blast furnace. A year later the industries have been closed and shipped to China. The area and the Emscher river, both strongly polluted have been cleaned up and the lake Phoenix project started to grow. When it was ready, many people from Hörde got the feeling, the lake is an UFO landed in their working class district. The houses were bought by upper class people mainly from other regions. Shot on assignment for the Emschergenossenschaft 2020/21. Assistant: Cihan Hazinedar.

Pictures of the site I took back in 2010 as a part of the series “Sediments of the Soil Treasures”.

Exhibition Catalogue
“Beyond Emscher”, Wienand 2022, ISBN 3868327061